Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Kurang Fokus

Sedikit ngoceh ngoceh dulu ya. Akhirnya aku nulis lagi di sini, entah kenapa tiba-tiba aja kepingin untuk merangkai kata-kata yang masih jauh dari kata bagus but at least I try. BTW aja nih, sekarang aku lagi dikamar, di luar hujan, dan listrik sedang padam. Kalian bisa bayangkan aja, Cuma cahaya dari sinar laptop yang bisa menerangi kamar gw.

Senin, 11 Januari 2016

See You Guys

Swadee khab.

Hello guys. Its been a while for me since end December 2015 not post anything in this blog. I would to say sorry for that thing, im being like this cause I just want to focus on something on my collage and in take much of my free time, I wont people called me lazy or something like that stuff. But honestly I really begging my self not to really take much part of this social app, and I wish it could be. Oh ya, I have something big, oh no I mean 2, that I need should done on my collage, so I wish I could doing it well. See you guys.

Khob kun khab.

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