Rabu, 26 Desember 2018
Rekap 2018
Senin, 17 Desember 2018
Sabtu, 17 November 2018
Senin, 03 September 2018
Selamat Malam
Selamat malam untuk kamu yang jauh Dimata dan juga tidak begitu dekat dihati.
Hari ini hujan cukup deras, sekarang pukul 22.34 wib, kau tau kan ujan ujan gini enaknya ngapain? Tidur.
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018
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zulfihafits.blogspot.com |
Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018
Complex Atom
I don’t know either this will end up on a draft or not but I just keep on writing. I just realized how far I was standing in the cross-road waiting for the buss to pick me up, but whenever I tried to step into the buss it was just can’t, the ticked that I got is not the same as it supposed to be, so I just have to wait for the right buss which I can plug the ticked fit in.
Senin, 25 Juni 2018
Anxiety. Part 1.
Do you ever expect someone stay in your head for the unknown long of time, and all she/he can do is talking and keep talking all day long.
they (that someone and his thoughts) are coming without giving you a warning in advance to make u feel more tortured as a human being, there is nothing u can do except pretending that it is okay to keep them inside of your head forever.
what i love the most of having them is when they stop talking and stop doing anything for a second. im not lying to you readers, this is what i feel and what i have been going trough for the past 4 years.
You will lack of feeling that you own yourself.
Rabu, 20 Juni 2018
A layer in girl's vagina is delicate, as my feeling
It can bleed when u push something too hard like the way you push my feeling the other day
U offered me a sense I am addicted with, then I said yes
But when I chased that sense it went so fast
Too fast, until I can't remember what I've been through that time.
Senin, 18 Juni 2018
Late night post.
Have u ever really wondered what life mean? Have u felt empty and full at the same time? Have u stayed but you stucked in the middle of nowhere.
Let's mention him, Jack,.
He don't feel "whole" as a human being, but more like a pieces that need to be whole.
He prefers to keep all the secrets rather than sharing that to his bf or even his significant other, because he tried it once and it messed up.
He needs someone, just s o m e o n e who can consider him alive and bring back his death soul.
That's is for tonight, wishing u have a great dream.
Rabu, 21 Februari 2018
Permainan Tradisional Anak Indonesia Yang Semakin Punah
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Sumber Gamar : Teropongrakyat.net |
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