Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Surat Cinta Untukmu yang tak lebih dari 4 kilometer.

       Its almost 2 months I did not seen you, maybe seen each other. Im not kind of amazed person who can write something ordinary to be an extraordinary things, I just trying what I can did for love.
I thought it will be really hard at all, pretty hard to leave someone that we loved FOREVER. Maybe im too Overact to explained what im felt about H, but it wasn’t felt like that, its still normal when you need someone to look but it was lost.

     After a big examinations called National Examination finished, I started to being a coolest person, I start to think how can I still Alive for a few days MAYBE not few, but a couple hours, day and week maybe. In the first day, the day just rolled on used to, or STILL NORMAL, I wondered how could I can spend this day without h. OMG.

   Day by day its still normal, I thought that im moving on right now, but NOT, in the rest time of my life, MY BRAIN CAN’T STOP THINK ABOUT H. Its lil bit hard to recognized that im failed. The more I try to stop the more strong it be sticky, God guide my life to coming HOME!!!.

    The pour rain just stopped, so I have to ending this Freaky Sad story, Oh ya, before I do it, I have to say Good luck for you and for me, and I will always miss you, then one day we will be in relationship, (Too High Dream EVER I MADE THAN BE  A PRESIDENT) .

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